Vicki Mah, RDH, CMP
About VickiVicki Mah was a dental hygienist for many years, before finding her natural gift and passion of helping people to return to health emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically.
VIcki uses her intuitive abilities while working with her clients and healing takes place quickly and easily, with very little work or participation required from her clients. Because Vicki works intuitively, she is able to get to the root of the problem sooner, as she helps you dissolve the layers of stress, that conventional, traditional counseling and / or medications many times cannot solve. Based on holistic principles and the enomous powerhouse of the heart, she helps her clients connect with their own heart's intelligence. This empowers her clients, by helping to strengthen their day to day intuitive decision making tasks and building their resiliance in life's challenges. In turn additionally, the emotional and mental hindrances that the client once showed- such as anxiety, depression, fear, panic, and panic attacks - simply fade away during the session. These layers are permanently dissolved at an energetic layer, with high frequencies, and any distortions that shows up after the session are more deeper layers coming up to be released or new stresses the client has created. The good part is that Vicki also teaches her clients how to live a stress/anxiety free life during each session. |
History |
Vicki has successfully implemented her own methods of Release the Pain and Release the Stress from her location in Sacramento, California, helping her clients to become free of pain and stress emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Passions |
Her favorite past-times includes playing competitive volleyball and spending time caring for and breeding colorful chameleons.